MENA Five is an online platform that documents and covers the week’s top stories that occurred in the Middle-East and North Africa according to 5 questions: Who, What, Why, Where & When.
Translated into 5 languages (English/French/Spanish/Italian/Russian), we aim at bringing knowledge and insight to fellow students in crucial need of information about such a decisive region that is the Middle-East.
Covered the 2019 London Fashion Week on the topic of Modest Fashion.
Shortlisted for the AMGE Start-Up competition in Paris.
FallowFilth is a seasonal collective effort aiming at gathering students from the Fallowfield area in order to maintain and preserve the cleanliness of Plattfields Park throughout the summer period with the help of several local business to sponsor/reward the students taking part in this initiative.
Over the course of May and July 2019, the FallowFilth team has gathered over 200 members, collected over 150 bin bags of waste through the organisation of 5 events across Manchester rewarding participants with vouchers from our kind sponsors (BlackMilk, R&V, 256WimslowRoad, Factory 251).